With today's modern technology drone inspections are being performed in almost every industry that requires visual inspection. Aerial Inspection enables precise remote monitoring of work sites to help keep projects on track and on budget. It also exposes key issues before they create hazards or delays.
By using a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) drone to collect visual data, this helps inspectors avoid placing themselves in dangerous situations in order to retrieve the same data. Visual inspections are very important and ensure that the proper maintenance is taken place on all company assets.
When caring for any kind of asset, whether it’s a pressure vessel or a power line, the same general procedure is followed: first you inspect, then you repair. Drones help with the first step—inspections. By sending a UAV into a situation that would be dangerous for a person, like into a chimney or up a cell phone tower, inspectors are able to collect visual data about the condition of an asset without having to expose themselves to potential harm.
Agriculture Industry

Believe it or not agriculture inspections have been on the rise in order to provide regular monitoring of crops. That is not all, they are also using drones to create 3D maps of different farm lands to help better understand irrigation and other related issues.
The biggest benefit to using drones in the agriculture industry is being able to improve crop yield. Data collected by drones can be used to ensure that crops and soil receive exactly what they need for optimum health and productivity, a practice that has been named precision agriculture.
Drones are also incredibly time efficient. A drone can easily provide visual data in a quick flight that might otherwise take hours walking the field. And because data capture is so much quicker by drone, it can be performed more often, thus leading to improved conditions for crops and bigger yields. Drone data can also be used to provide a record of crop health over time, allowing farmers to compare crops from one year to the next or across seasons in order to optimize their yield in various conditions.
What to inspect:
Crops (monitor health, maturity, damage)
Irrigation conditions
Overall land conditions
Soil health
